An Artist's Guide to Minimizing Waste
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
A man named Terry Swearingen once said that we are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to. Especially as artists, we go through a lot of materials. Even with all the do-overs, warm-ups, and leftover supplies, there's still plenty we can be more mindful of when it comes to taking care of the planet we call home. We've come up with a list of alternatives for you to practice in your art-making so that you can give back to our earth, one project at a time!
It's no secret that paper is arguably the most used and disposed of thing artists use. If you have a Watercolor Box subscription, for example, in just one year counting the watercolor sheets alone, you'll have received a total of 96 sheets of paper. Say that you use one of those sheets for your warm-ups in every project. If you discard the practice paper when you've finished, that's at least 48 pieces of paper that were wasted. Multiply that by the number of subscribers, and suddenly that number jumps from double digits to the thousands! Instead, set aside your mess-ups, warm-ups, and projects you just simply don't love and put them to better use!
Cut up those unwanted pages to make unique bookmarks! Adding a plastic sleeve and tassel is an easy way to dress these up and give them as gifts.
If you're searching through our Digital Downloads Library to find an outline for your next project, consider printing a different outline on both sides of the paper! Since you'll be tracing this onto your final paper, having a different project on each side is an easy way to save paper while creating reusable outlines.
Not only are the boxes your orders come in cute and stylish, but they're also super practical! Next time you think about throwing your box away after receiving your supplies, try these tips to improve organization, productivity, and the environment!
This little storage hack features two different kinds of boxes that you might have received with your order. The more reusable boxes, the less waste entering our waterways! Use your subscription box and The Good Stuff boxes to neatly store your paints. Organize them by color to make it easy for you to find the right shade. It doesn't hurt that it's also very aesthetically pleasing.
Even if you don't have a specific purpose for every project you create, it's important to hold on to your works of art! You'll be glad you did when you look back on old projects to see how much you've improved. Use an old subscription box to easily store all your finished projects and keep them safe!
Art Journalers, this one's for you! Want to create art on the go? Convert an old subscription box into a travel case! By taping the empty bags your Prompt and Technique cards come in to the lid, you can have them handy for when inspiration hits wherever you are. Even if you don't art journal, you can use this same technique for reference photos with Lettering or Watercolor. A Butcher Tray Palette fits perfectly in the box and is also magnetic, so you can attach magnets to the bottoms of any essential supplies you have to keep it in place! TIP: Use an empty candle jar with a lid to hold water for your paintbrush. Big thanks to Art Journaling member Sunny Seleste for this amazing idea!
If your creative space could use a mini-makeover, we sent you free decor! Open your subscription box to find an encouraging reminder to yourself on the lid. Cut it out and place it in a frame for a polished, store-bought look!
Now that we've gone over ways you can re-use the packaging your online orders come in, let's talk about the actual supplies you're using to create art!
It's time to ditch the paper towel and replace it with a tea towel! Not only is this method more environment-friendly since it's reusable, but it also works much better than a paper towel does when it comes to absorbing excess water.
If you've been using plastic or paper cups for your paint water, you need this reusable glass! It's great for making the earth a little happier and letting you know it's not your drinking water.
Just as most cardboard and plastic products are bad for the environment, so are the leftover paints we're often rinsing down the drain. Prevent excess waste in one simple step: use less! No, really—liquid watercolors go a long way, so you usually don't need more than just a few drops for a single project. You can always add more if needed!
If you have another idea on how we can show more love to our planet, share it in the comments!
Thanks for the great ideas! I had already been using a few and now I have more ideas. The small glass jars that a certain brand of yogurt comes in are the perfect size for my paint water. I use one for general rinse, one for using dark paints and one when using the lighter colors. It has helped me avoid muddy colors. They are a great size for travel too. Thanks again for helping us all help our environment.
The “This is your paint water” glass is retired. Any chance to reinstate it?
What great ideas and I love the one about organizing your watercolor paints. I will definitely do that. Yea towels are the best and do absorb more than paper towels. Anything to help the environment. Keep the ideas coming💕
I have been saving my subscription boxes and at Christmas give one to each of my grown grand daughters and daughters in law filled with 2 kits, 2 brushes, a pallet and a promise to set a date for all of us to come to Grandma’s for dinner and an art class with Sarah on you Tube. It was a great success and not only have the girls been introduced to successful art, but have requested more kits and lady dinners for future gifts as well as “we’ll buy our own kits, Grandma you order them and we’ll get together several times a year.”
I have been saving my subscription boxes and at Christmas give one to each of my grown grand daughters and daughters in law filled with 2 kits, 2 brushes, a pallet and a promise to set a date for all of us to come to Grandma’s for dinner and an art class with Sarah on you Tube. It was a great success and not only have the girls been introduced to successful art, but have requested more kits and lady dinners for future gifts as well as “we’ll buy our own kits, Grandma you order them and we’ll get together several times a year.”