Let's Make Art Matter for Deborah- March 2020 Watercolor
Our nominee this month has been through the wringer this year. Deborah and her family have had several family members pass away throughout the year. Deborah has constantly traveled 4-5 hours each way to be with them and help care for them in their last months. She cleaned and cooked, ran errands, and lightened the load in any way she could.
Deborah's daughter describes her as "such a generous and kind person. She has been giving and giving and giving to our family during these tragedies. We have been through so much, we can't even process one thing before something else happens. But my mom is still so willing to help everyone around her." Let's send Deborah some love and support!

Sarah has created a special tutorial in honor of Deborah

Sarah has created a special tutorial in honor of Deborah
Click Here to Watch the Tutorial
***Special Note: Please do not mail postcards at this time. Because of Covid-19 we are asking those participating to hold off mailing their card.
Please email us a photo of your card to Hello@letsmakeart.com and we will forward them to Deborah***
If you would like to participate, you will find a pre-stamped, pre-addressed envelope in your subscription box. If you are not a subscriber and would like to participate, please email hello@letsmakeart for the address.